Nova Scotia is the Balsam Fir Christmas Tree Capital of the World

Jon and Emily help their Dad on his Nova Scotia Balsam Fir Christmas tree lot

Did you know?

Christmas tree growers walk to EACH tree on their lot at least 4 times a year.

How far do you think Jon and, Emily's dad would walk each year?
400 Miles
800 Miles
1400 Miles

Did you know?
In Nova Scotia, seed trees or MOTHER TREES are left growing. This is so everyone will have a Christmas tree, for years to come.

How many seeds do you think each MOTHER TREE produces in a year?


Fun to do!
Want to know how many years old YOUR Christmas tree is? Save the disc of wood from the bottom and count the rings.

How long do you think it takes for a tiny seedling to become a fully grown Christmas tree?

5 Years
8 Years
12 Years

Did you know?
Nova Scotia tree lots have all kinds of wildlife... birds, deer, squirrels, rabbits, and some FRIENDLY bugs!

What insects are GOOD for Christmas trees?

Bumble Bees
Lady Bugs